Merry *hic* Christmas Manchester
Last night we ventured to the Manchester Christmas Market. It was marvellous. Above is the only photo I managed to take. As you can probably tell a few too many Gluhweins had been consumed by this point and I was incapable of focusing my eyes, let alone my camera. It was fab though and now I feel unbelievably festive. This is good in a way as I have a sparkling new demeanour. However, I fear I may have peaked too soon and, come December 1st, I'll be shouting "bah, humbug!" at passers by. But for now I intend to enjoy it. Few things in life fill me with joy more than large German sausages (stop sniggering) smothered in ketchup, hot steaming mugs of booze and twinkly lights.
For some unblurry photos of last years extravaganza go here. Revel in the festive joy (and check out the rather frightening illuminated Santa which I'm convinced is based on Zippy from Rainbow).
For some unblurry photos of last years extravaganza go here. Revel in the festive joy (and check out the rather frightening illuminated Santa which I'm convinced is based on Zippy from Rainbow).