Ding dong merrily on high
Two splendid things happened yesterday. Yes, two!
1) I got offered two jobs. Honestly, you wait five months and then two come along at once. I've not got a tricky decision to make as one is lots of money but further to travel and only temporary till June. The other is closer, less money but permanent. Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot make decisions to save my life so this is particularly hellish. Procrastination is my middle name. I may have resort to a good ol' fashioned pros and cons list. But the main thing is that employment finally beckons... a week on monday if all goes to plan. The benefits office is breathing a sigh of relief as we speak.
2) And this is the big news people..... drum roll...... Sainsburys have got their festive sandwiches in! I had a severe addiction to the turkey and cranberry sauce one during my final year at university. I'd forgotten all about it until I was perusing the shelves yesterday in search of enlightenment. The addiction is back. Big time. Huge time.
Happy wednesday everyone!
1) I got offered two jobs. Honestly, you wait five months and then two come along at once. I've not got a tricky decision to make as one is lots of money but further to travel and only temporary till June. The other is closer, less money but permanent. Anyone who knows me knows that I cannot make decisions to save my life so this is particularly hellish. Procrastination is my middle name. I may have resort to a good ol' fashioned pros and cons list. But the main thing is that employment finally beckons... a week on monday if all goes to plan. The benefits office is breathing a sigh of relief as we speak.
2) And this is the big news people..... drum roll...... Sainsburys have got their festive sandwiches in! I had a severe addiction to the turkey and cranberry sauce one during my final year at university. I'd forgotten all about it until I was perusing the shelves yesterday in search of enlightenment. The addiction is back. Big time. Huge time.
Happy wednesday everyone!