Tick tock, tick tock...
The nights are drawing in, it's getting colder, it hasn't stopped raining in what feels like forever. Gone are my flip flops (not that it was ever really warm enough to wear them, I'm just the queen of inappropriate footwear) and back are the stompy winter boots that I wear from September through to March. Dreams of ice lollies and cold sauvignon blanc are replaced by ones of a warming shiraz and Lancashire hotpot served with pickled onions and red cabbage.
Although I love summer with its seemingly endless days, its festivals and its sunshine (well the two minutes we get a year anyway), I'm always thankful when September rolls around. I love autumn. To me it feels like a season made for change. With the changing of the leaves comes a feeling that anything is possible.
I'm in a reflective mood today. It's been a tough week at work and the next lot of chemotherapy is looming large. But it's Friday night and I've got a large glass of red wine in my hand, a hot bath about to be run and a new episode of Rebus to watch.
Ahh, hello autumn.