Friday, 11 June 2010
I'm gonna send him to outer space...
This morning...
...a toffee Muller Light yoghurt burst in my bag. Licking yoghurt off my iPhone was not how I expected to start the day. All my possessions now smell of soured toffee yoghurt and I had to carry my things in a carrier bag all day. Thankfull it was a Tesco one, not Netto.
...I stopped at the garage to get petrol (and tissues to try and clean my bag), filled up the car and went to pay. After I got back to my car I realised that two buttons on my blouse were undone. Nice treat for the man in the garage there. That probably wasn't how he expected to start the day.
...I fell up the stairs on the way into the office. It was at this point that I started to wish I'd stayed in bed.
However, my day improved immeasurably when I got home and waiting for me was a shiny black envelope from Black Milk. The leggings! The leggings had arrived! The beautiful galaxy leggings that I impulse purchased weeks ago. Possibly the most expensive leggings I'll ever own but also the most incredible. I can't stop looking at them.
Another thing that made my day a little bit better was realising which pieces of jewellery I'd inadvertently paired together...
I hope your mornings were immensely more pleasurable than mine!