Saturday, 9 October 2010

The Week In Pictures #7

Ok, this is a bit of a cheat as these clearly aren't all pictures from the last week. But due to the rubbish internet situation that's been going on around here, I'm still playing catch up.

1) The majestic A380 that we flew on to New York. Seriously, best plane ever
2) That skyline. As viewed from DUMBO
3) Manchego macaroni cheese and chicken sausage at Essex (where I saw Bee, what a small world!)
4) Best view ever. Top of the Rock I love you
5) The Empire State Building peeping through the trees. Taken in Madison Square Park
6) That skyline again. Sigh
7) The wallpaper in the toilets in Trof. Love
8) Roxaaaannnneee. Taken while I was having a wee drink with my friend Sammy
9) Cookies & cream Pop Tarts? YES PLEASE
10) The diet resumes